How to play rom hacks snes
How to play rom hacks snes

et al) that the process is now as well-documented and tooling-supported as the process of hacking directly on ROMs is. At each step, with each change to increase legibility, you ensure that typing `make` continues to reproduce the original ROM image byte for byte. IMHO, with the tools we have available today, it makes much more sense to not directly hack on ROM images themselves, but rather to first disassemble the ROM to factor the produced assembly into modules to reverse the assembler data constant sections into separate named resource files, with a Makefile that converts them back and so forth. By bit-twiddling a ROM image file, you're effectively forced to work within the constraints of an arbitrary static-linked memory-map generated by a linker decades ago to suit the precise needs of the particular assembler source fed in at the time (and the needs of the ROM chip that said source would be burned onto.)

how to play rom hacks snes how to play rom hacks snes

In the modern era, I feel like ROMhacking is almost "obsolete" as a pursuit.

How to play rom hacks snes